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Managing Data Quality rules

The following options are available for managing Data Quality rules.

Enabling/disabling a Data Quality rule

Select or clear the check box in the rule’s Enabled column.

Editing a Data Quality rule

Select the rule and edit it as described in Defining data cleansing rules and Defining data validation rules respectively.

Deleting a Data Quality rule

Select the rule and then click the Delete button above the rules list. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Searching for a Data Quality rule

Enter a search term in the Search box above the rules list.

Changing the order of Data Quality rules

The order of the rules is important since rules are applied in the order that they appear. For example, placing Reject and abort rules first will prevent other rules from being applied if the data is rejected by the Reject and abort rule.

To change the order of Data Quality rules, select the rule that you want to move and then use the arrows above the rules list to change the position of the rule.

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